
General information

The secret of so many happy people in the community is our efficiency and attention to the details of administration.

2025 Term Dates

Term 1 Tuesday 28 January - Friday 11 April
Term 2 Tuesday 29 April - Friday 4 July
Term 3 Tuesday 22 July - Friday 26 September
Term 4 Monday 13 October - Wednesday 10 December

Enrolment Information

To access further information about the following, please click on the relevant heading:

Enrolment Information

Operoo- College Parent Portal

Operoo (formerly known as CareMonkey) is an innovative parent-controlled electronic medical form for schools with a duty of care. It’s an electronic version of the paper-based forms you would normally complete for excursions, camps etc. Operoo is the College’s main form of communication for key events relating to your child. It provides parent’s the opportunity to update medical information promptly and accurately while providing the school with instant access to the emergency information provided by you.

To find out more about Operoo, click here.

Operoo offers the school and families the following:

The data can only be viewed via an authorised staff member with their login and password making data more secure than paper forms.
The data in Operoo will never be shared with any other person or group without your consent. Parents control the data that is available and can remove access at any time.

You have the ability to update the data at any time and ensure your child’s details are correct. This should be done whenever there is a change in information (such as a new emergency contact number or new medical condition). It is important to ensure these details are up to date before a camp or excursion to ensure staff are well prepared to care for your child.

Operoo allows our staff to access your child’s emergency details on mobile devices while they are on excursions and camps. This will save time in emergency situations. Data is more secure than paper forms. If a mobile device with Operoo data is lost or stolen the data cannot be viewed as it is in encrypted (scrambled) format.

Parents will receive electronic permission forms for excursions and camps and can reply instantly without filling in a single form.

SEQTA Engage - Bosco Campus Parent Portal

SEQTA Engage is a powerful tool for parents/caregivers providing an overview of their child’s learning. It also provides a communication channel for parents and teachers enabling greater collaboration and hopefully enhanced learning outcomes for students.

To find out more about SEQTA Engage, watch this Information Video.

  • Access and overview of learning for each subject your child studies. This includes ACARA and SACE subjects.
  • Monitor your child’s learning through access to assessment grades and feedback.
  • Access your child’s academic reports (commencing 2020).
  • Send and receive emails, from teachers and College staff.
  • View your child’s unresolved absences and lateness information.

Your access to SEQTA Engage begins on receipt of an email from the College. This individualised email invites you to set up a SEQTA Engage account with the College. A link is available for download, providing you with step-by-step instructions on how to access SEQTA Engage from a personal computer or through the SEQTA Engage mobile app.

If you already have your username and password, you can access SEQTA Engage by clicking here.

When using the SEQTA Engage app, enter the following URL when using Manual Setup:

For further information click here to download the login guide.

School Policies

Our School Policies approved by the College Board are listed below

St Mark's College Uniform Policy

In support of the Uniform Policy, St Mark’s College will:

  • ensure that students and parents are aware of the requirements of the Uniform Policy
  • enforce the Uniform Policy.

The Principal will:

  • ensure that all staff are aware of the requirements of the Uniform Policy.
  • support staff in the implementation of the Uniform Policy.

The Parents will:

  • ensure that they understand the requirements of the Uniform Policy.
  • ensure that students are correctly attired in the full College uniform.

Students will:

  • wear the approved College Uniform when travelling to and from school as well as at school and attending any other official school function.

Every child at St Mark’s College has the right to feel safe, valued, happy and successful. Everyone in the St Mark’s Community is responsible in ensuring this happens.

St Mark’s takes a zero tolerance stance on bullying and harassment and have effective measures in place to prevent it. Students learn about the types of bullying and harassment and the steps they need to take if they are ever victim to it or witness it.

The College has developed a Bullying and Harassment Policy and a Bullying / Harassment Form which are designed to promote, implement and create a safe environment for all members of the St Mark’s College Community.

Appendix 1
Bullying and Harassment - What can you do?
Bullying / Harassment Form
Bullying / Harassment Form (editable)

School Immunisation Program

We participate in the School Immunisation Program.

St Mark's College participates in the free School Immunisation Program.

Proposed dates for 2025 immunisations include: (please note that these are subject to change)

  • Year 7: 6 March 2025
  • Year 10: 14 March and 15 May 2025

For information regarding the School Immunisation Program, please visit SA Health

Facility and Equipment Hire

St Mark's College welcomes the hire of facilities and equipment by the community. To request the hire of facilities or equipment from the College, download and complete the forms below and email to College Administration. Please submit your forms 30 days prior to the hire date.


455 The Terrace, Port Pirie South Australia 5540
T 08 8633 8800

Benedict 08 8633 8802
Bosco 08 8633 8801 or text 0428 475 539