We have an amazing community of parents / caregivers, families and, friends at St Mark’s College.
Our Parents + Friends Community is a group that works to:
To keep up to date with everything happening for our parent / caregiver community, join our ‘Parents and Friends of St Mark’s College, Port Pirie’ Facebook Group!
Click ‘Join’ and respond to the group questions (once your request is approved, you can view the page).
The P+F Community also administer the ‘St Mark’s P&F Uniform Buy, Swap & Sell’ Facebook Group.The P+F Community are always looking for new members. Click ‘Join’ and respond to the group questions (once your request is approved, you can view the page).
If you would like to join this passionate and energetic group, please reach out on the ‘Parents and Friends of St Mark’s College, Port Pirie’ Facebook Group.