St Mark’s College is unique in that not only do we offer extra curricular sports but we also participate in weekend association teams. We see that as an exciting opportunity to ensure that each and every student is given a chance to challenge themselves and participate in community and active lifestyles.
St Mark’s coordinates the following sports that compete in Port Pirie Associations:
Our Sports program develops determination, physical skills, and coordination, as well as team spirit and cooperation with staff and peers. We define sporting success by making it something that reflects our beliefs; and that sustains and nourishes all students even if we don’t always win.
The sports program aims to assist young people to acquire skills, maintain a healthy fitness level, and create an understanding of teamwork, commitment, and sportspersonship. The College seeks to achieve excellence through participation, the provision of a variety of sports options, and active involvement in the competition.
The school organises extra-curricular sport under the direction of The Sports Council. The Sports Council forms sub-committees representing Soccer, Football, Tennis, Netball and Hockey. These sub-committees are comprised of the Principal, or his delegate, and a committee of parents, or others, interested in promoting that sport.
The Sport Council meets regularly during the year. At the beginning of each year it elects a Chair who conducts formal meetings.
The Sport Council will:
A Chairperson heads the sub-committee responsible for that sport and the implementation of the College Sports Policy.
Tasks of the Sport Council sub-committee will be: