Volunteers at the College are able to complete the required Site and WHS Induction in the comfort of their own home.
As a volunteer of St Mark’s College, the following compliances are required to access our site:
All volunteers at St Mark's College must complete the Induction to Site. To do this, a volunteer must:
Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities
Protective Practices
RRHAN-EC Training
Sine Pro and CESA COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure
CESA Diocese of Port Pirie Privacy Statement
Responsibility, Authority & Accountability
WHS & Injury Management Policy
All St Mark's College volunteers must have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC).
If you do not have a current WWCC, you can obtain one through the College Administration (Bosco Campus, The Terrace).
Volunteers requiring a WWCC should visit the College Administration Office between 8.00am - 12.00pm or 1.00pm - 4.00pm to arrange the WWCC application.
100 points of proof of identification is required for the WWCC application, please bring original copies (or certified copies). Proof of name change (e.g Marriage Certificate) will be required if the names on your ID documentation differ.
All volunteers at St Mark's College must have a current RRHAN-EC certificate (Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care).
Volunteers can access the free RRHAN-EC Fundamentals training at www.plink.sa.edu.au.
The training will take approximately 2 hours and is valid for 3 years. Once completed, a copy of your certificate must be emailed to info@smc.catholic.edu.au.
While this training is not compulsory for all volunteers, it is for those who may be required to handle food (i.e. a bake sale).
The DoFoodSafely training is a free, non-accredited, online learning program designed to enable you to understand how to safely work with, and handle, food.
To complete this training click here: DoFoodSafely
Once completed, please provide a copy of this certificate via email to info@smc.catholic.edu.au and this will be recorded on the College's Volunteer Register.