
Little Lions

A smooth transition into school is very important to the well-being of our students.

Our transition-to-school program 'Little Lions' is held weekly, consisting of 14 sessions during the Semester. The program runs:

  • Semester 1 for students starting school mid-year
  • Semester 2 for students starting school in the new year

Little Lions sessions run for 3 hours and are designed to familiarise the child with school. Our Little Lions have the opportunity to participate in a regular routine and a number of structured activities, including:

  • Welcome to the day and roll call
  • Literacy and numeracy activities
  • Discovery play
  • Fruit break
  • Story / mat time
  • Buddy Program
  • Specialist lessons (PE, Italian, Library)

Children who are offered a place in Reception at the College will be given an Enrolment Acceptance form.  In this form, parents / caregivers can select for their child to participate in the Little Lions transition program. Once the child’s acceptance forms are returned to the College, you will receive further details. 

Children who are unable to participate in Little Lions will be invited to attend 2 transition visits prior to starting school.

Buddy Program

The Buddy Program at St Mark’s provides our Little Lions and Reception students with a new friend, a mentor and a familiar face in the playground.

At the beginning of the year, our Little Lions and Reception students are paired with a Year 6 Buddy. During the first year of school, ‘Buddies’ will spend time together - reading, working and playing. It is a program that students, both junior and senior, look forward to and remember fondly as they grow.

The Buddy Program helps students entering their first year of primary school to feel safe, valued and connected to the school community. The program builds strong relationships and research shows children benefit immensely - with younger students feeling safe and cared for, and older students feeling valued and respected.

Buddy Program

On acceptance of your enrolment, you will be given the opportunity to participate in our Little Lions transition program. Download our Little Lions information booklet below.


455 The Terrace, Port Pirie South Australia 5540
T 08 8633 8800

Benedict 08 8633 8802
Bosco 08 8633 8801 or text 0428 475 539