Working together to enhance learning
By Week 8 of Term 1, students should be well and truly attuned to routines and expectations. I am enjoying walking through classes and seeing some of the great work students are engaged in and the achievements being recorded and reflected upon, with goals being set for future improvement. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have participated in NAPLAN tests with good focus, and Senior Years Learning Conversations with students and parents have started this week. It is great to see a genuine commitment to success.
When there is a consistent focus on learning and high expectations coupled with necessary supports, students make excellent progress. At both Benedict and Bosco, teachers and Educational Support Officers are working to consolidate and extend students’ learning. Intervention programs are being implemented to bridge gaps in learning, particularly in literacy where skills are foundational to learning across the curriculum.
At every year level of schooling, there are things parents can do to support children to experience success:
- Encourage reading rather than screen time at home. As Mrs Freer wrote in the last newsletter, developing fluency in reading underpins all learning. Practising sounds and sight words at home, especially in the Early Years, and making time to model and encourage good reading habits will be a game changer in your children’s learning. Maintaining good reading habits as students progress through school significantly improves learning outcomes and the ability to use language for multiple purposes in both writing and speaking.
- Show interest in learning. Ask questions about what is being studied and support your child in allocating time to homework and assessment tasks.
- Check in about due dates and homework requirements – in the middle and senior years there is usually something to be working on. Help children prioritise activities to meet deadlines, which is an important life skill. External commitments, such as sport and part-time jobs are great for wellbeing and developing life skills, but balance is important, and paid work should not negatively impact learning commitments.
- Support consistent attendance as this enables continuity of learning. Regular absence adds stress to students as they can fall behind quickly. Avoid appointments or holidays during school time. There is a strong correlation between high attendance and achievement.
- For Bosco students, ensure devices are charged overnight so that students have the tools they need to be productive in class.
- Let us know if there are any concerns so that we can work together on solutions. We all want the best for our students.
Success takes different forms, and we work to individualise what this means for our students. Success takes commitment and hard work. Your assistance and support is essential and we are grateful for all the ways that parents and guardians work with us in enhancing learning and wellbeing outcomes for our young people.
Dr Sandra Hewson, Principal